
Mar 22, 20194 min read
Is Netflix's Newest Alpha Male Movie Worth Your Investment? (Minimal SPOILERS)
Last week, my wife was down the hill at rehearsal, so I had the watch a manflick...while lifting weights. (No, I will not...

Feb 21, 20194 min read
6 Great Movies or Shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime -- Right Now
Netflix and Amazon have paralyzed us! Who hasn't wasted an entire evening looking for something good to watch? And ask my...

Oct 30, 201810 min read
S&S Reviews: A Wrinkle in Time (2018) Partial Spoilers
In 2018, Disney released A Wrinkle in Time to theatres everywhere. Now, it’s on Netflix for screens everywhere. This film is based upon a...

Oct 23, 20187 min read
That Place We Cannot Enter
It made sense that Megan and I waited till dark to watch The Village in a cabin with lots of windows looking out into a vast wilderness...

Aug 30, 20186 min read
7 Great Movies or Shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime -- Right Now
Choice overload is a real thing! Marketers tell us that giving a customer too many choices can paralyze them. The wise business will find...