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February 5 - I Believe Christ is Our Righteousness

Roger Duke

“The LORD is our righteousness” 

Jeremiah 33: 16b.

This entry is taken from Daily Readings - John Bunyan a 366 day devotional edited by (and posted with permission from) Roger D. Duke, Scholar-in-Residence at Stage & Story, and published by Christian Heritage Press.

Each month focuses on a different book or writing by Bunyan. For February: My Confession of Faith (or A Confession of My Faith and a Reason of My Practice, or, With Who, and Who Not, I can Hold Church-fellowship, or the Communion of Saints)


I believe that the righteousness and redemption by which we believe; makes us stand just before God. And we are saved from the curse of the Law; is that righteousness and redemption that consists in the personal acts and performances of this child Jesus—this God-man the Lord’s Christ. I [also believe], that it is His personal fulfilling of the law for us . . . [He satisfies] the utmost requirement of the justice of God. “Do not think (Jesus said) that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophet; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5: 17). By which means he became the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone that believeth (Romans 10: 4). “For what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh; God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.” (Romans 8: 3). So, finishing transgressions and making an end of sins and making reconciliation for iniquity, he brought in everlasting righteousness.

I believe, that for the completion of this work, he was always sinless. He did always the things that pleased God's Justice. [I believe] that every one of his acts; both of doing and suffering and rising again from the dead were really and infinitely perfect—being done by him as [THE] God-man: Wherefore, his acts before he died are called, the righteousness of God. His blood the blood of God; and herein we perceive the love of God in that he laid down his life for us. The Godhead which gave virtue to all the acts of human nature, was then in perfect union with it, when he hung upon the cross for our sins.


John Bunyan was a preacher, theologian and author, whose best-known work, The Pilgrim's Progress, has challenged and influenced readers for almost 350 years.

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