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Fire for February

Dane Bundy

Editor's Note: This article was previously published in a newsletter for Regents School of Austin. I wrote it for the teachers in the Fine Arts program.


As a teacher, February was always a challenging month for me - maybe the most challenging. The gloomy skies and unproductive clouds (no snow, people!) set into motion the limp. The what? The limp toward Jerusalem that so often accompanies the final stretch of the school year.

Perhaps you've experienced it. You're weary, so the students or their parents or the curriculum or the administration all seem heavier a weight on you than usual. Evidence of growth or fruit in your students would energize you, but you're not seeing it! And your October zeal. . . yeah, that's a thing of the past. Like in "Pilgrim's Progress," it seems like you're carrying the large burden again on your way toward the Celestial City. "I thought I gave that up at the Cross!"

During seasons (remember, they are seasons!) like this, many things are helpful. . . chocolate, coffee, a night out, friends, etc.

But a real need? The Word of God.

For me, this is the fire for February. As much as you can, meditate on what is true, good, and beautiful from the breath of our Creator.

Lately, I've been working through 1 Corinthians and Paul's words stood out to me: "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth" (4:7).

On one hand this can bruise our pride, but on the other: this is a relief! The seeds I keep planting, well, God determines how and when they grow. And God's anything but a fool, for he "arranged the members in the body, each one of them as he chose," assigning your individual gifts for his glory and the good of your neighbors (12:18).

Don't be surprised when the limp arrives, for God is running. . . ahead of you, behind you, in you for His glory. Rest in Him. Keep your eyes on the Man of Jerusalem and leave to Him the results.


Dane Bundy is President of Stage & Story and Director of Fine Arts at Regents School of Austin, a classical Christian school in Austin, TX.



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