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The Crisis of this Covid-Moment: the Mundane


It's occurred to me that the crisis of this Covid-moment is the crisis of the mundane as most of us are stuck at home.

The world says we're to respond by finding fresh ways to "Make much of ourselves, to follow our hearts and pursue greatness." Scripture doesn't dismiss greatness but says the path to it is not by evading the mundane but by embracing it...with faithfulness and as a servant.

Let's be honest. These are difficult words.

Sometimes as Christians we think that the height of spirituality is to be part of something extraordinary. "God is doing something big," we often say.

God is always doing the extraordinary and the big, but it's usually through the ordinary and small.

For some reason, it's easier to accept the call to live a radical Christian life because this carries overtones of excitement and pleasure. But what if true radical living is a life marked by humility before God and neighbor and contentment in chore and duty.

What if this is the true path to joy?

Our call to the mundane and ordinary shouldn't surprise us -- the kingdom of God always flips things upside down for us.

In the parable of the talents, the master told one servant, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of the master" (Matt. 25: 21).

So, here's the Covid-crisis question (the CCQ): Practically, how do we stay faithful in the mundane and ordinary?


P.S. My favorite book on the idea of contentment is Richard Swenson's Contentment. I've read it many times, and I always get new insights.


Dane Bundy is president of Stage & Story and principal of the Secondary School at Providence Academy, a classical Christian school in Johnson City, TN.



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